Wednesday, 14 May 2014

India Elections 2014

India Elections 2014

Modi packs bags as BJP internal poll predicts 226 seats for party

(Photo credit: Associated Press)
The Bharatiya Janata Party doesn’t trust exit polls (well, who does?).So they did their own – and the party has an outfit uniquely capable of carrying out exit polling on a large scale: The block-level RSS workers.

The consensus among the punditry has been that this time, the RSS organization has turned out for the sort of grass roots work it is capable of when fully motivated; they agree, too, that this could make a sizeable difference to the party’s prospects, particularly in the key northern states.

Drawing on the RSS workers, the BJP thus conducted its own internal exit poll, and has come to the following conclusions:
  • That it will make big gains in Uttar Pradesh, where it expects to win around 45 seats; in Bihar where it expects 18; Gujarat, where its expectation is 21 seats; Madhya Pradesh, where its internal prediction is 22 seats.
  • It also expects to make gains in Rajasthan (21 seats), Maharashtra (18 seats) and Karnataka (15 seats).
Powered largely by the surge in the north and west, the BJP expects to end up around the 226-seat mark, while the NDA ends up with 259 seats, give or take five.

Its confidence further boosted by the results of this polling, the BJP has already begun making plans for the takeover in New Delhi. Prime Minister-in-waiting Narendra Modi is packing his bags and doing the last minute photo-ops in Gandhinagar.

Sheela Bhatt of has the full results of the BJP’s internal polling, and a wealth of other interesting detail, in her latest installment of Sheela Says, a daily column that has emerged as a must-read during this election cycle.

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